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Home Theater - Products
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Soundproofing - Products that Block sound Acoustical - Products that absorb sound Combo Products - Products that both absorb & block sound

Mass loaded Vinyl Noise Barrier
This product can be used on walls and ceilings during new construction to block sound. more
Echo Eliminator™
This low cost product is used on walls or ceiling to absorb sound. more Wallmate® Wallmate is an easy do it yourself acoustical treatment wall covering system. more

Barrier - Decoupler Noise Barrier
This product can be used on walls and ceilings to block sound for pre-existing construction. more Decorative Fabric Wrapped Panels
Have an attractive look while absorbing sound. Custom made for your needs. more Sound Silencer™
These wall & ceiling panels will block & absorb sound while adding an attractive look. more

Green Glue™
Green Glue is a liquid, waterborne, viscoelastic damping compound. more
dBA Panels™
This Tri- functional panel Blocks, absorbs, and diffuses sound. more
Acoustical Room Kits
New Acoustical room kits design for Home Theaters, Studios and Commercial applications. more

Sound Silencer™ These wall & ceiling panels will block & absorb sound while adding an attractive look. more Eggcrate Acoustical Panel ASI is proud to introduce the markets first recycled cotton, high acoustical performance studio wall panel. more Barrier backed Fabric Wrapped Panels
Professional looking with dual performance. more

Flooring Underlayments
Our flooring products are designed to block airborne & impact noise. more Foam Products
Large selection of polyurethane and melamine foam products. more Barricade Ceiling Tiles
Premier performance with a standard look. more

Acoustical Windows / Doors / Door Kits
We offer custom doors & windows as well as door kits and window inserts. more Bass Buster / Bass Traps
Best solution for low frequency absorption. more Echo Eliminator™ Composite
Excellent absorption & sound blockage. more

RSIC-1 Clips & Stud Isolation Clips
Use these for walls and ceiling for better acoustical performance. more Bass Traps / Diffusers
Specialty products for professional use. more Sealants & Adhesives
Recommended sealants and adhesives to get the job done right. more

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